More Good Stuff

The Perfect Meditation Space…

Wondering what kind of amazing, picture perfect spot I created for my meditation space…? Here it is!

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As you can see, the finished space is pretty…humble.

When I decided to create the perfect meditation space, I started going down my usual path of intense research.

I looked up design tips from more stylish sources on the interwebs. I sought opinions on what colors might be good, or absolute ‘must have’ items. ‘Do I need a mat? What about lights…or should I just go with candles?

I read post after post about what items I needed to have to create the perfect space. This lamp that created dazzling dappled light displays on the wall. This pillow that was ergonomically created to maximize the perfect alignment of your spine.

Hello overwhelm!

So I stopped and asked myself. ‘Will getting new items make my meditation journey better…’ ?

Its a fair question.

(Myself answering myself) ‘Well, I actually think a person’s atmosphere has an incredibly significant effect on how they feel.

For example, I want to make my home a relaxing haven, so I work (emphasis on work…) to create a space that brings me the most peace.

Sometimes that means buying something. I think investing in creating an inspiring or relaxing atmosphere is completely valid.

In fact, they actually have a name for using color to affect mood, its called it chromatics.’

I’m a smarty pants sometimes.

(Back to me again…) ‘Ok, fair point. So on a personal level, why are you seeking to make meditation a regular part of your life?’.

(Other me…)  ‘Oh gosh, so many reasons. I want to be able to be more in control of my emotional responses to everyday life. I would like to focus on quieting what I feel is a frenetic, or unspecified anxiousness within me. I would like to create a consistent practice of self-care by making a quiet space for my mind and body. I would like to give myself a regular opportunity to discover deeper purpose and meaning in my life’.

(Back to me…) ‘Sounds like a lot of good reasons. Another question. Could you accomplish making your space special, and create an atmosphere that was conducive to your goals without buying a bunch of brand new items?’

‘… I guess so…’

Which was how I decided to approach my space. I ultimately decided that I did need some things. But I could go to the local Goodwill store.

It could actually be fun.

I’d already started meditating in the cluttered little closet in my bedroom, so I decided to just rearrange things there, instead of the downstairs closet where I had previously envisioned it.

No doubt, my closet wasn’t any more organized than the one downstairs. Stuff, things, more stuff.

But, it just felt more… secluded… to be all the way back in my room.

Let me unpack that for you: I wanted to be as far away from my family as possible.

It meant that I would have to clean out my closet to create any semblance of serenity in this space, but really, who’s closet couldn’t use a little cleanout.

That was a bonus as far as I was concerned.

I threw a podcast on, reorganized the hanging clothes and cleared out everything else.

If you’ve ever cleaned out a closet, you know that it gets bad…very bad…before it gets good. But I wasn’t scared.

But after living in New York for 6 years, I  can organize a closet.


When I had put everything back and my little designated meditation cubby was done, I stepped back and observed my work.

It didn’t really have that impact I was envisioning…

The transformation was just less…transformational… than I was hoping.

It kind of still looked like the adjustable melamine closet system from before, with a couple of shelves taken out.

The little table I had gotten didn’t quite fit in there perfectly. Almost. Enough to work. But just a tiny overhang.

I decided to leave it until the next day. I was D.O.N.E. with the closet for the day.

When I went to go meditate for the first time in my new space later that evening, I lit my candles, pulled out my Yoda pillow, propped up my phone with the next meditation cued up on the App, and turned out the lights.


The glow from the candles created a warm light that drenched the white cubby with color.

And all around it was darkness.

No more shoes,  jackets,  shirts, or towels.

Just  my little meditation table, the soft music, the voice guiding me, and the stillness around me.

When I finished my meditation I was convinced.

It was the perfect meditation space.

No, it doesn’t inspire Meditation-Room-Envy when others see it.

Yes, its still in a closet surrounded by clothes.

But it serves up a quiet space like no one’s business!

I ended up spending less than $30 dollars on everything.

And it actually turned out to be a pretty fun exercise in letting go. I was free to allow whatever I came upon at the Goodwill store to guide what the space would be.

And that trip was so fun! There were so many cool things, I had to keep my focus! But I digress…

I’m only on Day 10 of my 30 day Meditation jump-start, but I can tell you I’m already experiencing unexpected results…

Like the fact that it wasn’t until day 6 that I was even able to stay sitting upright the whole time…Which was only 10 minutes!

My back kept hurting, and I had to lie down cause I couldn’t take it anymore.

But boy was I proud when I was finally able to sit up for the whole time! I’m not sure if my back didn’t actually hurt anymore, or if  I just didn’t notice because my mind was elsewhere.

But I have a feeling I will have a lot more of those little wins to look forward to.

And I also remembered how nice it feels to let go of perfection.

By choosing to work within the small parameters of the Goodwill store, I negated any need to ‘prove my abilities’. It took all of the pressure out of the task and left all the fun.

Even better, what came out of the exercise was a space filled only with the intention of my efforts. In other words, there was no bad mojo in my room!!

And I love my little space even more because its not perfect. Just like me.


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