More Good Stuff

Chia Berry Jam

This 4 ingredient jam features chia seeds, is sweetened only with maple syrup, and uses a bag of frozen fruit. Making it healthy AND easy!

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In preparation for a ‘Sugar Break’ I’m prepping for my kids, I have been testing out low sugar recipes to make sure they ‘make the cut’. I knew I would need a jam, because, let’s face it… Peanut Butter and Jelly is a staple when you’ve got kids. Quick, easy, protein, they like it… you get the trajectory.

For some time I have read about chia seed jams, and of course I love any opportunity to use those wonderful seeds. We love making Chia Pudding at home, so the concept behind the chia seeds being used to thicken a jam, seemed pretty straightforward…You add the seeds, which absorb moisture, becoming gelatinous and thereby thickening the liquid they are in. And while I love it in Chia Pudding, I didn’t want to feel that sensation in my jam, so I knew there would have to be some blender action happening.

I also knew that as far as fruit, I was going to have to work with the ingredients I had at home. Because I was not about to get some magical extra time to go to the store. What I had was frozen fruit.

The great thing about frozen fruit is that it lasts a really long time, and you can use it for all sorts of things. Pies, crisps, crumbles, turnovers, fillings, smoothies, sorbets…the list is long. So I always have a large variety and quantity of frozen fruit.  I grabbed a 16 ounce bag of mixed berries from my freezer and transferred them to a saucepan to start warming.

If you’ve ever made conventional jam before, you usually cook the fruit for a little while to allow it to soften and the juices to release. So that’s exactly what I did. A little hit of lemon and maple syrup and I was ready for the thickening part.

For this action I am using chia seeds. It doesn’t achieve the jelly-like consistency of traditional jellies and jams, but the jam will hang on to a spoon if turned sideways. And besides being yummy. its crazy good for you! With all those omegas from the chia seeds, and antioxidants from the berries, not to mention the absence of refined sugar, its a treat your body can thank you for.

Spread it on toast,  dollop it onto oatmeal, feature it in a pb&J, or drizzle it over ice cream. Its a quick and easy, customizable, low sugar option to throw into the mix of your life. In fact, I’m formulating some sneaky plans to make a dessert bar with a jam filling. I’ll get back to you on that one.

Chia Berry Jam

Yield: 2 cups


1 16oz bag frozen mixed berries

3 Tablespoons maple syrup

1 teaspoon lemon juice

3 Tablespoons chia seeds


Place frozen fruit in a saucepan and allow to warm over a medium flame. When fruit is fully softened, add maple syrup and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer 10-15 minutes.

Put 1/3- 1/2 of the fruit mixture into your blender (More or less depending on how chunky you want your finished product to be.

Add the chia seeds to the blender and blend until smooth.

Add back to the remaining fruit in the saucepan and stir thoroughly. Bring back up to heat and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Pour into lidded jars and let cool completely or sit overnight.

And that’s it! Its so ridiculously easy and can be switched up in a snap.  You really get the flavor the fruit, and the maple syrup bumps up the natural sweetness just enough. Its been tested on kids, parents and grandparents, and got the seal of approval on all fronts. Give it a try!

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