More Good Stuff


The IMPACT You Didn’t Know You Were Making.

In 2011, my husband and I decided to give up our gym memberships to save some money. So, I started running in my neighborhood. Let me just say, I had NEVER been a runner and was pretty darn sure I despised running. But to my utter amazement…I actually began to look forward to it. I would run in the rain, in the snow, and even early in the [read more]


Why I’d Rather Volunteer, Than Do My Hair…

As I shoveled another scoop of wood chips from the yard, I stepped back and looked at my 10 minutes of effort. Wow. Imagine what could get done if I had someone like ME spend a few hours doing this! Of course, it instantly flashed upon me that I am a stay at home parent, and while there are certainly things that must get done on a daily [read more]


You Call It Toxic Positivity…I Call it Survival.

I’ve touched on my battle to stay emotionally steady before… But with the current state of the world… its an even bigger issue. And as I try to soothe my soul, another injury inevitably finds its way to me. Many of my friends absolutely HATE the ‘Love and Light’ proclaimers of the world. And I understand why. The [read more]


When a Break Isn’t a Break

Here it comes...The lump in my throat…the rising feeling of panic. My eyes dart around the room as they land upon each new mess...the growing frustration at what my day has become... This 4th day of our ‘Holiday Break’... [read more]

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