More Good Stuff


Living Your Passion

Its a question you hear over and over again..'I want to follow my passion, but I don't know what to do'. I learned that sometimes all you have to do it. [read more]



I'm turning 40 in April. And I want to get a tattoo. I've wanted to get another one for a long time, but I always waffled on what to get, until now. [read more]


Holdin’ it Together…

I don't know about you, but I DO care about my weight during the holidays. I just made it through Thanksgiving and now I'm staring at Christmas dead ahead! But I am determined to live it up AND keep the extra pounds off! [read more]


How Chocolate Changed My Life

Going to culinary school changed my life and opened my eyes to the potential for a different future. It was incredible! But I kind of expected that. What I didn't expect was what came after my classroom time was done. [read more]

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My Journey to the Natural Gourmet Institute- Part Two

While I was in school, my life was a crazy mess. My husband was across the country in Los Angeles for weeks at a time, I had a full time babysitter for my children for the first time in my life, and I hadn’t been to school in 15 years. This was written about halfway through the Chef’s Training Program, when the initial burst of [read more]


Meet Kristin Fraser

(photo by Romy Young – Kristin Fraser was one of the first people I met when I arrived at the Natural Gourmet Institute for the first day of classes. We were both a little early, and were standing in the stairwell waiting for the doors to be opened. I felt ill. I hadn’t done anything like this in a looooong time. But [read more]


My Journey to the Natural Gourmet Institute- Part One

After working on the Rachael Ray show for most of the first season, I had my first child and never went back to work. The first year was amazing, but after a couple of years, and a second child, I felt totally trapped. My husband was doing well. He had amazing experiences, and was meeting exciting people. Meanwhile I was home. Taking care of [read more]


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