More Good Stuff

Why I’d Rather Volunteer, Than Do My Hair…

As I shoveled another scoop of wood chips from the yard, I stepped back and looked at my 10 minutes of effort. Wow. Imagine what could get done if I had someone like ME spend a few hours doing this!

Of course, it instantly flashed upon me that I am a stay at home parent, and while there are certainly things that must get done on a daily basis, I can, more or less, shift and adjust my schedule around.

So…theoretically, I should be able to spend a couple hours doing this. So why wasn’t I?

One reason is… I’m busy volunteering.

I’ve always been a person that is easily overwhelmed. Even in my younger years, I’ve always been careful not to put too many commitments onto my plate because I knew what would happen.

Can you say meltdown?

But I also have an insatiable need to do and to create. This conflicting combination of traits makes for some stormy moments.

About 2 years ago, I was moved to volunteer at our local animal shelter. You had to go through a months-long training process. But I eventually got through it, and today I still volunteer every week for a few hours.

In fact, I find myself going to walk the dogs at the shelter, when my personal dogs at home haven’t gotten walks in…too long.

And its not the only errand or activity that has been bumped in order for me to volunteer at the shelter.

The daily schedule of a SAHP is really busy enough. And while it is often loaded with small, simple or even mindless tasks, there are a GAZILLION of them to do.

EVERY week, I have to go grocery shopping for the same things.

EVERY week, I’m doing the same inexhaustible and always mountainous laundry. Clean-fold-harass everyone to put away. Clean-fold-harass everyone to put away…

Then there’s the house. Just keeping things maintained is a feat, lets not talk about making improvements.

And just when you get it tidied…Everyone comes back home! How many times can you tell the kids not to leave a trail of destruction behind them?!

Apparently never enough.

Poop on the lawn? I got it.

Problem with a sprinkler? I’m on it.

Broken drawer? I’ll find the part.

I’m the handyman, the decorator, the organizer, the errand-girl, and the taxi driver. In the most cliché statement of the day…sometimes its an absolutely THANKLESS job.

Accompanying that feeling, is my utter lack of desire to get ‘dressed up’ for these activities, hence…the frequent ‘Natalie look’.

I’m forever working on shifting my perspective, but… #Human.

My daily efforts are often focused on someone else…somehow giving my time to the animals at the shelter feels like something for ME. 

It helps me shift my perspective…instead of focusing on my grievances, I am acutely aware that mine are not the only problems.

Caring for another, soothes my soul and enriches my spirit.

So while my To-Do list keeps me spinning my wheels all week, cutting out my volunteer hours is NOT where I go to ease my load.

Sure, I could probably focus on some more ‘me’ stuff during the hours I devote to volunteering each week.

Get my nails done, buy some new clothes, organize the garage, create a gourmet meal.

But there is a dog waiting for someone to come spend time with them today at the shelter.

Oh, I will complain that my nails look like crap, I haven’t bought new clothes in years, my hair is frizzy and I only had 5 minutes to get ready because I am so busy.

But given time to impose some perspective…In the grand scheme of things…I think its worth it.

As I get older I find myself refining my life and really thinking about what makes me fulfilled.

I’ve become more intentional about what I spend my time doing, and reflective about what is truly valuable in my life.

I am more in touch with and aware of what I want to put my mental and physical energy towards.

Being of service fills me in a way that nothing else does.

The gift of giving is 100% returned to me, engenders gratitude within me, and is an element that will always be a part of my life.

We really are ALL moved to do things. Not all the same things. And I think that’s by design.

The world and humanity need friends who care enough to put forth efforts without need of monetary payment.

Its not about money, its about a need. They are everywhere. We can all do just a little something.

Maybe you don’t have time to volunteer weekly.

How about just commit to find one opportunity to give your time to this month or this year. Whatever moves YOU. See how it feels.

Maybe its something you didn’t even know you were missing in your life!

Whether it be through new friendships forged, the well-being that comes from giving of yourself to a worthy endeavor, or even an actual reply of thanks.

As I said, I am often the taskmaster and the killjoy….But I also get to be a guide and a source of inspiration.

Volunteering feeds MY soul…And as a mother, I want to being able to share the most full and inspired soul with my children that I can.

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2 Comments on Why I’d Rather Volunteer, Than Do My Hair…

  1. Donna L Spencer // June 18, 2019 at 12:58 pm // Reply

    Wow….just wow!

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