More Good Stuff

stay at home parent

The One Question That Makes Me CRINGE!

So…what do YOU do…? OOF! Right in the gut! I get all weird and self -conscious. Let me start off by saying that this is MY hangup. Not all stay at home parents are yearning for something else. I personally know SAH moms and dads who are absolutely fulfilled, and feel blessed and happy. The reason that this question cuts so close to the [read more]


What I’ve Learned From One Month in Therapy.

Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, life throws you a curveball and changes it all up. And for a person who relies on consistency and routine to navigate the world, it can feel really disorienting. The odds that as you read this, you are relating to your own recent disorientation is pretty high, given that we’ve all been forced [read more]



I had the hardest time when my kids were really little. The adjustment from full- time job to full -time mom was… challenging. Over time, I got better at juggling all the tasks a ‘stay-at-home’ mom was responsible for. But one of the biggest challenges for me was the amount of time I was spending with kids!! Ok… that [read more]


My Journey to the Natural Gourmet Institute- Part One

After working on the Rachael Ray show for most of the first season, I had my first child and never went back to work. The first year was amazing, but after a couple of years, and a second child, I felt totally trapped. My husband was doing well. He had amazing experiences, and was meeting exciting people. Meanwhile I was home. Taking care of [read more]