More Good Stuff

life with kids

Little Lies and Cookie Crumbs

When you are the parent of a young child, there is a lot of fibbing, fudging and falsifying. They are not very good of course, and its usually pretty obvious. Sure, its wrong… but sometimes you are secretly delighted by their bad behavior…’My sneaky little sweetheart!’ I wrote this essay after just such an event. Last night [read more]


Do the Kids Always Have to Come First?

‘You have to fit them into YOUR life’. That’s what everyone told me. But having only had those few first blissful moments with my new baby as reference,  I thought it all sounded rather harsh and unrealistic. ‘Babies and children…’, I waxed,’.. need alot of attention and all of you’. I for one [read more]


The Cool Mom’s Club

I actually sometimes felt bad for my kids, and a little embarrassed that I quite possibly wasn't as fun as some of the other moms. After many days of feeling faulty, I came to the conclusion that I was experiencing the effects of peer pressure- a desire to be a part of the popular crowd. [read more]