More Good Stuff


What I’ve Learned From One Month in Therapy.

Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, life throws you a curveball and changes it all up. And for a person who relies on consistency and routine to navigate the world, it can feel really disorienting. The odds that as you read this, you are relating to your own recent disorientation is pretty high, given that we’ve all been forced [read more]


The IMPACT You Didn’t Know You Were Making.

In 2011, my husband and I decided to give up our gym memberships to save some money. So, I started running in my neighborhood. Let me just say, I had NEVER been a runner and was pretty darn sure I despised running. But to my utter amazement…I actually began to look forward to it. I would run in the rain, in the snow, and even early in the [read more]


The New Me!

Its the beginning of a new year! Time for New Year's Resolutions, diets, workouts, and the new "ME'! Except...I am SO not feeling that... [read more]


How Chocolate Changed My Life

Going to culinary school changed my life and opened my eyes to the potential for a different future. It was incredible! But I kind of expected that. What I didn't expect was what came after my classroom time was done. [read more]

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