More Good Stuff


Who Picks Up Mom When SHE Falls Down?

‘Are you sleepy, or are you upset?’ Those were the first words my son spoke as I woke him for the day. I thought I had pulled myself together. I had been upset yes, but I wasn’t about to miss one of the rapidly expiring wakeups with my youngest child. I quickly regretted my choice, as my son’s words, and more importantly his feelings, [read more]


What I’ve Learned From One Month in Therapy.

Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, life throws you a curveball and changes it all up. And for a person who relies on consistency and routine to navigate the world, it can feel really disorienting. The odds that as you read this, you are relating to your own recent disorientation is pretty high, given that we’ve all been forced [read more]


The New Me!

Its the beginning of a new year! Time for New Year's Resolutions, diets, workouts, and the new "ME'! Except...I am SO not feeling that... [read more]


But WHY…?!

I often come upon instances that remind me of the wisdom of children. Their natural, uncorrupted view of what they encounter. The neutral inquisitiveness that simply seeks answers without the judgements that our adult minds attach to things. One of the hallmarks of being a child is asking the question ‘Why’ . ‘Why is the sky [read more]


Keeping My Balance

I've always considered myself a little 'odd'. Like anyone living with anxiety, I've got my own special combination of issues. But I'm finding that there are more people out there that can relate, than I thought... [read more]

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Weird by Design

I'm a dork... a nerd...a brat...super sensitive...antisocial... and bossy. I'm not sure if everyone sees me like that... But I know me best...and I definitely am. [read more]


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