More Good Stuff

Forget New Year’s, I’m About SPRING Resolutions!

I think Resolutions shouldn’t start until at least March and I daresay, even April. This whole notion that January is the month for you to begin new habits is NOT a good plan. Think about it.

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You are basically just trying to survive December. Its all scrambling to make it to, and through, the holidays. Lots of family visits, and plenty of bad eating (and drinking).

All the things that lead to you feeling like crap.

January should be designated solely for decompression. I know need some time to recover from the frantic end of the year. (Or is that my age speaking…?)

February is the time to reflect on the year that just happened TO you, and think about what you liked, didn’t like, want more of, or want less of. In my last post I wrote about asking myself the question ‘Why’, and how it helped me see more clearly, what I really cared about and and didn’t.

See…I was pondering  these very topics in February. Right on schedule!

Just sayin’.

But, taking inventory of your current habits and routines, really does help you get a better perspective on whether or not you are actually happy with how you are currently spending your time. Then, once you decide what your priorities are and have a vision for the year, you can create plans, knowing that you aren’t just spinning your wheels.

When March hits (or April…I’ve decided on April because April 1stis my birthday. I’m not denying myself birthday treats!) THEN the resolutions can really start to become new habits.

I personally like April because I’m able to take a relaxed (or reasonable given that I have OTHER things to do, like  2 kids worth of things!) amount of time to figure out, and prepare for my new routines.

April is also ideal because I can start with the diet changes and have a solid 2 months to get some cookies off my butt before summer. (I like to back-time it so I know when I actually have to start making an effort.)

Of course if you’ve got yourself all ready to go, then GO! I’m not saying to wait until March or April to start your new habits!

Your Holiday crappy feelings will most likely be mitigated by adopting new healthier habits, and the sooner you do that, the better you’ll feel. For sure. But, I have burned out enough times to know that doing something hastily, or before you are ready, is a path to disaster. In fact I bet there are quite a few ‘New Years Resolutions ending in disaster right this minute. Maybe you’ve even failed one already yourself.

I say, if you need a moment to get it all together, give yourself a moment and don’t feel like the window has passed and you are a loser because you didn’t start in January.

Another case for Spring Resolutions is the weather! Maybe you are charmed or even inspired by chilly and grey. I am not that person.

I fully feel like I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you didn’t know that was a thing, it totally is!

Its a type of ‘depression that is related to changes in seasons… [that] starts in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody’.

Ok, depression may be a strong word, but I’ve lived long enough to recognize that I am SO much happier when its sunny and warm. I can literally feel a song in my heart on a sunny day.

That’s not to say I can’t have a happy day in the winter, but, let’s just say its not my fave.

It’s fine though. Not everything can be the best, otherwise the best wouldn’t feel that special, right? So, I recognize my ‘winter blues’ and allow myself to be in that place without fretting.

I may still complain though. Alot.

But, I know I will gain 5-7 pounds.

I know I will eat unreasonable amounts of donuts and cookies.

I know I will not drink the water I should be drinking because a cold beverage (or room temperature one) sounds yucky. Unless its a cold sparkling water.

And  I know that I will not exercise as much as I should, because I don’t feel like it.

But I also know that it’s a cycle, and that I shouldn’t panic. It happens every year. Last year I wrote about the ‘raw til lunch’ plan that finally helped me shave off the last of my winter lbs.

And here I am again like clockwork… Tight sleeves and all!

But, I know I’ve got a plan.

And think about it… Spring cleaning is a thing for a reason right?  It’s the time when nature is renewing itself and putting forth its new beauty.

People feel a natural drive to get rid of the old things that don’t serve them anymore. I’m saying, jump on and ride THAT train passing through!

I put together a series of questions to help me formulate my own goals for the year. I included my answers as an example, but CLICK HERE for a blank sheet you can fill out.


My Year in Review-2018

January: 2ndhalf of school. PTA Presidency through July.

July-August: Building HTV; Kids summer activities

August-September: School starts. New PTA Role.

October: Launched HTV Website, YouTube channel and Social Media accounts.

November-December: Started a regular Yoga practice. Made it through the holidays!

1-What are things I’m proud of?

  • I was able to progress my professional goals by restructuring my first website to be more focused.
  • I was able to progress my professional goals by creating a new website for my other passion.
  • I was able to progress my professional goals by creating a YouTube channel, FB Page, Instagram and Twitter accounts.
  • I completed my commitments to the school and my fellow PTA members by fulfilling the year as President to the best of my abilities.
  • I was able to continue volunteering at our local animal shelter
  • I was able to provide my kids with a summer of fun and time spent together.
  • I returned to my PTA Commitments with a renewed sense of joy.
  • I was able to create and launch a new vehicle (website/channel/sm) for me to create a community and share my passions.
  • I am proud of the work I’ve done to make our house feel like a home.

2- What do I want more of?

  • I want to continue to progress my business/professional goals.
  • I want to continue to find more joy in my tasks, commitments and daily life.
  • I want to continue to spend more non-destination-based time as a family (just hanging out in the yard, or cleaning out the garage while the kids play in the front. That kind of time)
  • I want to continue putting out regular, meaningful content.
  • I want to continue to volunteer at the Animal Shelter.
  • I want to continue to have Yoga as a regular part of my week.
  • I want to continue to slow down and be more present and engaged
  • I want to continue to devote time to our home with a sense of gratitude.

3-What do I want less of?

  • I want to stop spending time on things that don’t serve me.
  • I want to stop putting imposed pressures on myself, and allow for more organic opportunities in my life.
  • I want to stop seeing things as chores, and recognize the gifts that had to occur in my life for me to even have to do these ‘chores’.
  • I want to stop considering my work at home less important than a traditional ‘job’.

4- What is something I want to add/work on:

  • Clean up my diet (Have more energy, lose extra weight)
  • Make more space for new things in my life
  • Create a calm atmosphere for myself and my family
  • Find more joy in everyday activities
  • Tighten up the bod!
  • Walk the dogs more often
  • Take the next step in my product development
  • Drink more water
  • Drink more green juice
  • Put more effort into my appearance

5- What do I want my life to FEEL like?

  • Relaxing
  • Renewing
  • Inspiring
  • Fulfilling
  • Meaningful
  • Connected
  • Genuine

6-Given my answers above, what are some Spring Resolutions I can set for myself that are in alignment with my desires for my life, and will help me reach my personal goals for 2019?

My Spring Resolutions for 2019

1-Create a morning routine for myself that will start my day off in the ways that support me best.

          There are all kinds of things I can think of that will help me be ‘a better me’. Drinking a glass of water upon waking is one of those things, along with drinking more water in general! I also want to return to drinking a Green juice every day. I feel my best when I’m consistent with my juicing.

2. Walk the dogs AT LEAST once a week.

This will help not only help tighten the bod, but it will carve out space in my day for some calm and provide me an opportunity to be grateful for my surroundings.

3. Devote more time and effort to my appearance.

My kids are getting older, and I am having more time and space myself, and its getting harder and harder to justify why my hair is so frizzy and why I’m still in sweatpants…Not to mention the fact that I know I feel better, more empowered, more together, when I’m dressed and coiffed. It may be a slow return, but a more regular effort is what I’m aiming for.

4. Hold space for experiences and opportunities to enter my life

I am a very structured person and find comfort in routine and schedule. But I tend to schedule every moment, which only leads me to be stressed when I am behind on my schedule, or I don’t accomplish everything. But worse, it robs me of opportunities that would organically arise in my life because I had already given that time away to another task Seriously! Its like I’m beholden to that schedule (ding ding- self imposed pressures)

So those are my Resolutions! I know the big strokes and the little ones. I know what I want to continue to keep a part of my life and  I know what I want my actions to drive me towards.

This is such an easy exercise, there’s no reason not to sit for 30 minutes and to ask yourself these 6 questions, just to see if your actions are really taking you where you want to go.

*Note: When you are answering them, choose a time when you won’t be interrupted, in a quiet, comfy place.

When you are done, you should have some more clarity about what you want your life to look and feel like, which in turn clarifies  the  actions you want to take this year to help get you closer to those goals.These questions by no means cover everything, but they do give you a great start.

So dig deeper and make 2019 a great year for YOU not just a FB post!

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4 Comments on Forget New Year’s, I’m About SPRING Resolutions!

  1. Thanks for the inspiration Natalie!

  2. Love the idea of spring resolutions! We’re going to dig into a big spring clean starting this weekend! It’s so funny how we all seem to have the same resolutions! Happy Birthday! 🥳

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