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Vegan Coconut Milk Caramels

You asked for it, you got it! Vegan Coconut Caramel Candy! The kind you unwrap and savor! I swear I’m gonna get back to healthier meals…right after this…

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Looking to make vegan coconut milk caramels? Ok, so here’s the story. This was one of those kitchen mistakes. I was trying to make a ‘healthier’ version of a caramel sauce that used vegan margarine and creamer….the end of that story was my last post Vegan Salted Caramel Sauce.

But…it wasn’t as easy as just switching out ingredients. I made what I thought was a pretty straightforward translation, but what came out was NOT what I was expecting…

I could tell straightaway that it wasn’t ‘sauce-y’. At first the coconut oil just rose to the top, and after I poured that off I put the sticky mixture into a glass pan. It oozed coconut oil and I worked it like taffy removing oil as I went. And I was left with a gloopy caramel blob of deliciousness that tasted a lot like these other yummy coconut caramels I buy in the store. They were so good! I even shared them with my friend! My kids loved them, my husband loved them, and I was beyond thrilled.

My first kitchen mistake-turned-happy accident!

Now anyone who knows about candy making, and temperatures, and the structure of sugar molecules, etc. etc., can probably explain exactly what happened. But my experience was one of complete ignorance and total delight!

The only problem was recreating this ‘happy accident’.

I had batches turn out in fudgy chunks…hard as a rock like a brittle… and somewhere in between chewy and hard, like a SugarDaddy.

ALL the versions were delicious. But they were not was I was trying to make.

Because I am lazy, I was determined to make these without the need for a thermometer, or any process that was too complicated. Some people will love this about me, some will think it is ridiculous. Regardless, those were my motivations. I finally relented partially, and went for the indication of a ‘soft-ball stage’ by dropping the liquid into a glass of cold water.

After numerous batches and tests by both my mother and myself, I think this is a pretty do-able recipe for anyone who has some basic experience in the kitchen. It definitely takes some focus, but the ingredient list is short and so is the time commitment. You just have to focus really closely for a few minutes!

Vegan Coconut Milk Caramel Recipe

Ingredients for Dairy-Free Caramel Sauce:

  • 1 cup organic sugar
  • 6 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • ½ cup canned coconut milk (shake can well before pouring and measuring)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Procedure to Make a Thick Vegan Caramel:

First of all, get everything set up. You will need the following:

  • small saucepan
  • liquid measuring cup
  • timer
  • wooden chopstick or long handled wooden spoon
  • glass of water filled with ice

In a small saucepan, add sugar over low-medium heat. Slowly melt, stirring continuously. Make sure to scrape down the sides.

* (This is important because you don’t want to let it cook at too high of a temperature. If you do you will end up with a slightly burnt taste. You may actually like the taste, but I prefer a milder flavor for this caramel candy.)

Begin to melt sugar to make vegan coconut caramel sauce.

The sugar will take on a crumbly look after about 2-3 minutes. If the pan starts to smoke (which it will), move it off of the flame until it stops. Then return back to the heat.

Keep a close eye on the sugar, making sure it doesn’t darken too much. BE PATIENT. It will take about 6 minutes to melt completely.

Add in the coconut oil and stir until it is completely melted. It doesn’t really incorporate, so you will see it sitting on top of the melted sugar.

*(Again, someone who knows things will probably have answers for all the physics involved here. I just know, this is what worked.)

While the coconut oil is melting, heat the coconut milk in the microwave for 40-50 seconds or on a stovetop until just boiling.

When the coconut oil is fully melted, slowly add the hot coconut milk. It will sputter and steam, and  the sugar may seize up a bit. Give it a moment and be careful, then stir until you are sure the sugar is completely melted.

 Allow to cook for 3 minutes over the low/medium temperature.

Remove the ice cubes from the water and at about 2:40 in, test the readiness of the caramel by dripping some of the liquid into a glass of cold water until it forms a ball when dropped in.

Moving quickly, scoop it out and press between your fingers. It should be soft and chewy.

*(Everything needs to happen pretty quickly so that you are not allowing the caramel to cook too much past 3 minutes.)

Take off of the heat and stir in the salt. Pour out into a bowl or jar and let sit about 5 minutes. Some of the oil will start rising to the top.

*(Yes I tried making it with less oil to start with, but it didn’t turn out the same!)

Prepare a glass pan, lightly rubbing with coconut oil.

Pour off the oil from the caramel and scrape out into prepared pan. Allow to sit until cool, about an hour for a soft but workable caramel, or overnight for individual candies.

*(If you need to get them firm more quickly, put them in the refrigerator.)

Prepare about (16) 4 x 6 inch strips of of wax paper.

Dust a large piece of wax paper with powdered sugar. Turn caramel out onto the paper and shape into a rough rectangle, approximately 4 x 8.

Cut into 4 long strips and and then into approximately 1 inch pieces. To minimize the knife sticking…cause it will…dip the knife in powdered sugar before cutting each strip.

Roll the caramel strip into a log and place in a piece of waxed paper, twisting ends to close.

 I have a feeling I might be playing around with vegan candy bars soon!


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21 Comments on Vegan Coconut Milk Caramels

  1. O wow, those are perfect!!! Always looking for a good vegan caramel!

  2. You have to love a fail gone right! I love it when accidents turn into great recipes. This looks great.

  3. I love delicious mistakes 🙂 These candies look fab — one of my favorite sorts!

  4. They look divine! I would have needed up eating the lot of them!

  5. Wow! These caramels look so good! Thanks for the step by step instructions. That will definitely make it much easier to follow.

  6. This reminds me of my childhood! If I get time over Easter Holiday I will make these with my daughter

  7. Oh, you are speaking my language with these!! I absolutely LOVE caramels and I haven’t had them in forever! So yummy!

  8. Sounds cool,coconut in caramels makes more interesting to me:) Looks delicious Natalie!

  9. i have made vegan condensed milk using coconut milk before but never thought of candy. this is a lovely idea!

  10. Omg these look so good! I seriously could eat 10 of them! I’ve tried the coconut caramels from Whole Foods and these look better!

  11. I have a similar recipe and can attest to the deliciousness of coconut milk caramels! I love the way you’ve wrapped them 🙂

  12. Wow wow wow woow!! I want to try these caramel strips, looks delish, Natalie 😀

  13. Yum! I love caramels, thanks for making them vegan 🙂 Now how do I NOT eat the entire batch if I make them? 😀

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