More Good Stuff


Black Bean Brownies

I was the co-leader for my daughters Brownie troop. And everyone knew, I was the one who ‘eats healthy’. It was my turn to bring snack in for the girls and it was obvious…Brownies! Of course I couldn’t just bring in regular brownies, so I thought…’why don’t I give the girls a taste test and make 3 [read more]


Little Lies and Cookie Crumbs

When you are the parent of a young child, there is a lot of fibbing, fudging and falsifying. They are not very good of course, and its usually pretty obvious. Sure, its wrong… but sometimes you are secretly delighted by their bad behavior…’My sneaky little sweetheart!’ I wrote this essay after just such an event. Last night [read more]


What I’ve Learned From One Month in Therapy.

Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, life throws you a curveball and changes it all up. And for a person who relies on consistency and routine to navigate the world, it can feel really disorienting. The odds that as you read this, you are relating to your own recent disorientation is pretty high, given that we’ve all been forced [read more]


Tofu ‘Egg’ Salad

I think egg salad might be one of those love it or hate it things. I was on team love it.  But when I became vegan, my love affair with egg salad came to an end. This was one of those things that I needed back in my life, and I was on a mission to fill that hole. Stat! Not only does this recipe taste like egg salad, but it’s actually [read more]

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Oil-Free Hummus

If you haven't made your own, you must! Its fast, its easy, you can customize it, and because of the chickpeas, it's basically a blob of protein! So no guilt! [read more]

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