More Good Stuff


Ingredient Spotlight: Kala Namak

  When I was a kid, the most dreaded item I could find in my lunchbox, besides a tuna sandwich, was a hard-boiled egg. Upon cracking the shell, the sulfurous stinky smell exploded in a cloud that elicited exclamations of ‘Ewww gross!! Rotten egg!!’ Which was then followed by a mass exodus of those around me and a mortification that [read more]


The Only Vegan in the House

In general, I would say I am a pretty average person. I am 42 years old, a stay at home mom to two children, and the wife of a busy husband. I’m also Vegan. Which didn’t feel that weird, until I moved from New York to the suburbs of California. To be totally fair, I have for some time felt like the oddball at many a gathering when people were [read more]


Article: One Green Planet/ ‘Did Your Parents Lie…

Sometimes I question how much I want to tell my children about the way we treat the creatures we use for food. How far do I go into the details of factory farming? Do I explain the terror these animals are born into and die in? Would they understand, or would I just be scarring them for life? Read the rest [read more]


The Dust Made Me Do It

There is something about certain kinds of dirt that can send me into an obsessive fixation. It’s not so much the smudges, marks, or stuck on kind.  I mean, yeah, that kind bothers me too, but I can let it go. I’m talking about the kind you can sweep up into a pile. It mocks me as I lie on my exercise mat while doing my Pilates DVD. I [read more]

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Meet Kristin Fraser

(photo by Romy Young – Kristin Fraser was one of the first people I met when I arrived at the Natural Gourmet Institute for the first day of classes. We were both a little early, and were standing in the stairwell waiting for the doors to be opened. I felt ill. I hadn’t done anything like this in a looooong time. But [read more]


My Journey to the Natural Gourmet Institute- Part One

After working on the Rachael Ray show for most of the first season, I had my first child and never went back to work. The first year was amazing, but after a couple of years, and a second child, I felt totally trapped. My husband was doing well. He had amazing experiences, and was meeting exciting people. Meanwhile I was home. Taking care of [read more]


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