More Good Stuff

vegan brunch

Vegan Crépes

Think you can't have crépes because you don't do eggs or dairy anymore? Then rejoice! Because you can still enjoy a plate full of these breakfast delights! [read more]


Low Sugar Pumpkin Muffins

Juice cleanses and raw food cleanses are nothing new to me. But this time I'm putting together something I've never done before...a cleanse for the kids! [read more]


Zucchini Bread

This zucchini bread is made with whole wheat flour, and heart healthy flax, but still manages to stay moist and tender. And it makes 2 loaves OR 2 dozen muffins! [read more]


Vegan Cauliflower, Zucchini and Brown Rice Quiché

Throughout my time as a vegan I have tried…and failed… to make quiché. Its really annoying when you work, and toil in the kitchen on a new recipe for your family’s dinner, only for it to be a serious disappointment. Peanut butter sandwiches are nice, but not for dinner. So, it was kind of on a whim that I decided to try my hand [read more]

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