More Good Stuff

kala namak

Tofu ‘Egg’ Salad

I think egg salad might be one of those love it or hate it things. I was on team love it.  But when I became vegan, my love affair with egg salad came to an end. This was one of those things that I needed back in my life, and I was on a mission to fill that hole. Stat! Not only does this recipe taste like egg salad, but it’s actually [read more]

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Ingredient Spotlight: Kala Namak

  When I was a kid, the most dreaded item I could find in my lunchbox, besides a tuna sandwich, was a hard-boiled egg. Upon cracking the shell, the sulfurous stinky smell exploded in a cloud that elicited exclamations of ‘Ewww gross!! Rotten egg!!’ Which was then followed by a mass exodus of those around me and a mortification that [read more]